Quad Mosfet

FDMQ8403 MOSFET - описание производителя. Даташиты. Основные параметры и характеристики. Поиск аналога. Справочник

  1. Quad Mosfet Bridge
  2. Quad Mosfet

4 x 50 W MOSFET quad bridge power amplifier Features High output power capability: 4 W–40/ 5 x max. 4 W–40/ 3 x @ 14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10% 2 W–40/ 8 x max. 2 W–45/ 5 x @ 14.4V, 1 kHz, 10% MOSFET output power stage Excellent 2 driving capability Hi-Fi class distortion Low output noise ST-BY function Mute function. The ALD1106/ALD1116 are monolithic quad/dual N-channel enhance-ment mode matched MOSFET transistor arrays intended for a broad range of precision analog applications. The ALD1106/ALD1116 offer high input impedance and negative current temperature coefficient. The transistor pairs are matched for minimum offset voltage and differential thermal.

Наименование прибора: FDMQ8403

The MD1811 is a high-speed quad-MOSFET driver designed to drive high-voltage P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs for medical ultrasound applications and other applications requiring a high-output current for a capacitive load. N-Channel 4 Channel Quad MOSFET are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for N-Channel 4 Channel Quad MOSFET.

Тип транзистора: MOSFET

Полярность: N

Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pd): 17 W

Предельно допустимое напряжение сток-исток |Uds|: 100 V


Предельно допустимое напряжение затвор-исток |Ugs|: 20 V

Максимально допустимый постоянный ток стока |Id|: 6 A

Максимальная температура канала (Tj): 150 °C

Сопротивление сток-исток открытого транзистора (Rds): 0.11 Ohm

Тип корпуса: MLP4.5X5

FDMQ8403 Datasheet (PDF)

0.1. fdmq8403.pdf Size:266K _fairchild_semi

July 2012FDMQ8403GreenBridgeTM Series of High-Efficiency Bridge RectifiersN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 100 V, 6 A, 110 mFeatures General DescriptionThis quad MOSFET solution provides ten-fold improvement in Max rDS(on) = 110 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 3 Apower dissipation over diode bridge. Max rDS(on) = 175 m at VGS = 6 V, ID = 2.4 A Substantial efficiency benefit in PD

9.1. fdmq86530l.pdf Size:220K _fairchild_semi

April 2013FDMQ86530LGreenBridgeTM Series of High-Efficiency Bridge RectifiersN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 60 V, 8 A, 17.5 mFeatures General DescriptionThis Quad MOSFET solution provides ten-fold improvement in Max rDS(on) = 17.5 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 8 Apower dissipation over diode bridge. Max rDS(on) = 23 m at VGS = 6 V, ID = 7 A Max rDS(on) = 25 m at VGS = 4.5

9.2. fdmq8203.pdf Size:372K _fairchild_semi

December 2011FDMQ8203GreenBridgeTM Series of High-Efficiency Bridge RectifiersDual N-Channel and Dual P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET N-Channel: 100 V, 6 A, 110 m P-Channel: -80 V, -6 A, 190 mFeatures General DescriptionQ1/Q4: N-ChannelThis quad mosfet solution provides ten-fold improvement in power dissipation over diode bridge. Max rDS(on) = 110 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 3

Другие MOSFET... FQU2N60C, FDMC8030, FQU2N90TU_AM002, FQU3N50C, FQU4N50TU_WS, FQU5N40, FDMC7582, FQU5N60C, 2N5484, FQU5P20, FQU8P10, FQU9N25, HUF75542P3, HUF75631S3S, FDB86135, HUF75639S3, FDD86252.

Список транзисторов


MOSFET: CEZ3R04 | CEZ3P08 | CES2322 | CEB93A3 | CEF9060N | CEB6086 | CEN2321A | CEN2307A | CEM9288 | CEM6056L | CEM4052 | CEM2192 | CEU25N02 | CED25N02 | CEU20N02 | CED20N02

Quad Mosfet Bridge

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Quad buffer; 3-state

Quad Mosfet

The 74ABT125 high-performance BiCMOS device combines low static and dynamic power dissipation with high speed and high output drive.

The 74ABT125 device is a quad buffer that is ideal for driving bus lines. The device features four output enable inputs (1OE, 2OE, 3OE, 4OE), each controlling one of the 3-state outputs.

Orderable parts

Type numberOrderable part numberOrdering code (12NC)PackageBuy from distributors
74ABT125PW74ABT125PW,118935201060118SOT402-1Order product
74ABT125PW74ABT125PW,112935201060112SOT402-1Order product

Quad buffer; 3-state

Buy from Nexperia

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* Stock values are subject to change
** Displayed price per unit is based on small quantity orders
*** Authorized resellers for overstock, mature, and discontinued products which are warranted for reliability by the reseller, no longer by Nexperia

Features and benefits

  • Quad bus interface
  • 3-state buffers
  • Live insertion and extraction permitted
  • Output capability: HIGH -32 mA; LOW +64 mA
  • Power-up 3-state
  • Inputs are disabled during 3-state mode
  • Latch-up protection exceeds 500 mA per JESD78 class II level A
  • ESD protection:
    • HBM JESD22-A114F exceeds 2000 V
    • MM JESD22-A115-A exceeds 200 V
  • Multiple package options
  • Specified from -40 °C to +85 °C


Type numberVCC (V)Logic switching levelsOutput drive capability (mA)fmax (MHz)No of bitsRth(j-c) (K/W)
74ABT125PWProduction4.5 - 5.5TTL-32 / +641004medium14065.8336283185841TSSOP14


StatusPackagePackage informationReflow-/Wave soldering
(9352 010 60118)
Reel 13' Q1/T1
(9352 010 60112)
ActiveABT125Bulk Pack

Quality, reliability & chemical content

Quality and reliability disclaimer

Documentation (4)

File nameTitleTypeDate
74ABT125Quad buffer; 3-stateData sheet2017-03-30
abt125abt125 IBIS modelIBIS model2013-04-07
abtabt Spice modelSPICE model2013-05-06
SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVEFootprint for wave solderingWave soldering2009-10-08


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File nameTitleTypeDate
abt125abt125 IBIS modelIBIS model2013-04-07
abtabt Spice modelSPICE model2013-05-06

Ordering, pricing & availability

Buy online
74ABT125PW74ABT125PW,118935201060118Reel 13' Q1/T1Order product
74ABT125PW74ABT125PW,112935201060112Bulk PackOrder product


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