The text/markdown registration specifies the charset parameter as “Required.” Therefore using a content-type of text/markdown is technically invalid, and the character set of such content may legitimately be interpreted as any of undefined, invalid, US-ASCII, ISO-8859. .gedit-markdown. is a simple gedit plugin written in python.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language, originally created byJohn Gruber, which aims for maximum readability and“publishability” of both its input and output forms, taking many cuesfrom existing conventions for marking up plain text in email.Markdown converts its marked-up text input to valid, well-formed XHTMLand replaces left-pointing angle brackets (<
) and ampersands withtheir corresponding character entity references. Markdown wasoriginally implemented in Perl by Gruber, but has since beenre-implemented by others in a variety of programming languages (seebelow for list). It is distributed under a BSD-style license and isincluded with, or available as a plugin for, several contentmanagement systems.
Syntax examples
This is not an exhaustive listing of Markdown’s syntax, and in manycases multiple styles of syntax are available to accomplish aparticular effect. See thefull Markdown syntaxfor more information. Characters which are ordinarilyinterpreted by Markdown as formatting commands will instead beinterpreted literally if preceded by a backslash; for example, thesequence *
would output an asterisk rather than beginning a span ofemphasized text. Markdown also does not transform any text within a“raw” block-level XHTML element; thus it is possible to includesections of XHTML within a Markdown source document by wrapping themin block-level XHTML tags.
A paragraph is one or more consecutive lines of text separated by oneor more blank lines. Normal paragraphs should not be indented withspaces or tabs:
Emphasized text:
HTML headings are produced by placing a number of hashes before theheader text corresponding to the level of heading desired (HTML offerssix levels of headings), like so:
The first two heading levels also have an alternate syntax:
Horizontal rules are created by placing three or more hyphens,asterisks, or underscores on a line by themselves. You may use spacesbetween the hyphens or asterisks. Each of the following lines willproduce a horizontal rule:
External Links
- Markdown Syntax (also available in German)
- Mailing list (Gmane gateway)
- Markdown wiki at infogami (defunct)
Syntax Guides
- Markdown: Dingus online converter
- Write better Markdown - A style guide by Brett Terpstra
- Simple Markdown Syntax Reference plain text/html toggle
- Markdown Cheat Sheets - Collection of Markdown cheat sheets on
- markdown.bash by Chad Braun-Duin
- Discount by David Parsons
- PEG-markdown by John MacFarlane
- smu implements a simplified markdown dialect
- C++: Cpp-Markdown by Chad Nelson
- Markdown.NET by Milan Negovan
- ColdFusion: CFX_Markdown
Common Lisp:
- CL-Markdown by Gary King
- Pandoc by John MacFarlane (converts Markdown to HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, reStructuredText, S5, groff man, DocBook, and RTF, and partially converts HTML, LaTeX, and reStructuredText to Markdown)
- js-markdown (deprecated)
- markdown.lua by Niklas Frykholm
newLISP: markdown-newlisp
- Markdown by John Gruber
- MultiMarkdown by Fletcher Penney
- PHP: PHP Markdown by Michel Fortin
- python-markdown by Yuri Takhteyev
- python wrapper around
- Misaka a Python binding for Sundown
- Maruku by Andrea Censi
- Tartan by Larry Baltz and David Anderson (generic engine; Markdown and tests implemented as a YAML description)
- RedCloth (versions 3.* only)
- kramdown by Thomas Leitner (released December 2009)
- pandoku (Ruby interface for Pandoc)
Text Editor Support
BBEdit: has built-in support (syntax highlighting, preview without requiring conversion to HTML) as of version 8.6
- Python method by Jan-Erik Moström
- PHP method by Tim Brayshaw
Eclipse: Experimental plugin by Daniel Winterstein
IntelliJ IDEA: idea-markdown by Julien Nicoulaud
Emacs: markdown-mode by Jason Blevins
gedit: gedit-markdown
Scrivener from Literature and Latte for Mac OS X
TextMate: has built-in support
Texts - a WYSIWYM Markdown editor for Mac and Windows
Vim: Markdown Vim Mode
WMD - a lightweight Markdown-to-HTML editor
Ubuntu Gedit Markdown
Wiki Support
- atwiki (@wiki)
- DrProject
- Gitit (Haskell)
- IkiWiki (Perl)
- Infogami (Python)
- Informl (Ruby, additional markup for forms and DB queries)
- Instiki (Ruby)
- MoinMoin (plugin)
- Nanoki (Lua)
- Oddmuse (Perl)
- PMwiki (plugin which adds a
“tag” to wrap around Markdown, and inside the tag,WikiWords
are non-functional) - Sputnik (Lua)
Blog Software
- Blojsom (with plugin)
- Blosxom (with plugin)
- Dotclear (with plugin)
- Drupal (with plugin)
- Expression Engine (with plugin, proprietary)
- Frog CMS
- Mephisto
- Movable Type (with plugin)
- NanoBlogger (via the Markdown plugin)
- Textpattern (see “Textile replacement” at the PHP Markdown page)
- Tumblr
- WordPress (with plugin)
- Web Site Software (Client-side Markdown based blog software to generate professional static web sites from website templates and publish them to the Internet with a click.)
Content Management Systems
- CoalEngine (Native Support)
- Drupal: see Markdown filter, the continuation of Marksmarty module
- Plone - (Native support in Plone 3)
The implementations above by default refer to Markdown to XHTMLconversion. Converters to and from other formats are also available.
Markdown to LaTeX, Markdown+LaTeX to MathML, etc.
- pandoc (Haskell)
- MultiMarkdown by Fletcher Penney
- kramdown (Ruby)
XHTML to Markdown:
- (in Python)
- Markdownify (in PHP)
- Make.text (a bookmarklet which converts any web page into Markdown.)
- XHTML-to-Markdown XSLT (a stylesheet, works with XHTML only)
- Pandoc (a Haskell library that can convert between many formats including Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, MediaWiki and others)
- kramdown (Ruby)
Other formats to Markdown:
- Pandoc (a Haskell library that can convert between many formats including Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, and others)
- odt2pandoc (a Python script to convert OpenDocument text files to Markdown)
- word_markdown_macro (a Microsoft Word macro that converts some of Word’s formatting into Markdown)
Other Software
- MarkdownDragAndDrop by Fletcher Penney
- OmniOutlinerMarkdownPlugin by Fletcher Penney
- refbase (web-based literature management app that outputs citations in Markdown format)
- Text to HTML Converter-Markdown (a Windows GUI to converts Markdown text to HTML)
- (a simple website to preview markdown in real time)
- Pastedown (a pastebin service for Markdown documents)
- Readown (Markdown viewer application for Mac OS X)
- Gouda (an easy-to-use documentation processing script for multi-chapter docs)
- Marked 2 is a Markdown previewer for OS X.
- BabelMark Markdown testbed (compare many markdown implementations on the same input)
A large number of links were recently removed from the MarkdownWikipedia page, citing the link farm policy. Furthermore, sinceinfogami is defunct, the previous semi-official Markdown wikihosted there cannot be edited by those without a previouslycreated account. I merged the content of the Wikipedia andinfogami pages and created this page in order to provide apublicly-editable repository of Markdown-relatedlinks. —Jason Blevins, April 19, 2009 19:19 EDT
This page was moved from the Xbeta Wiki to
forarchiving on July 7, 2015. —Jason Blevins
Port plugins to gedit 3.8
See the API changes.
Gedit Markdown Plugin
Gedit Markdown Preview
To install one of these plugins, you need to download the files and put them in your ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/ directory (which may need to be created). They need to be in that exact directory; subdirectories are not scanned for plugins.
See also
Third-party plugins for gedit 3.0 to 3.6. Third-party plugins for gedit 3.12. They may work on gedit 3.8 and 3.10 (for plugins written in C or Vala for example). If you see such a plugin, please add it here too.
Advanced Find / Replace
Advanced find / replace functions. Find / replace in documents. Download:
Bazaar Panel
Diffs, revision history and more for the Bazaar revision control system, shown in Gedit's bottom panel.Project page: The project is part of Gedit BC Developer Plugins.
Class Browser 3g
Lists functions, classes, etc. in the side pane and supports the languages from ctags, special parsers for Python, HTML, XML, Diff, Ruby, Markdown and Changelogs.Project page: The project is part of Gedit BC Developer Plugins. The plugin is a fork of the Class Browser Plugin for gedit 2.
Click Regex
Gedit plugin to provide configurable regular expression to apply on mouse clickProject page:
Control Your Tabs
Switch between document tabs using Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab (most recently used order or tab row order) and Ctrl+PageUp / Ctrl+PageDown (tab row order).Download:
Convert special character to HTML or XML entities
Convert special characters, accents characters, symbols, greek letters, math symbols to HTML or XML entities. It converts only selected characters. Based on ISO-8859-1 Download: Gedit 3.8:
A dictation plugin for gedit. Provides a way to write into gedit by speaking. It can also perform specific commands like delete sentence/word, perform undo/redo, copy/paste from clipboard, save/clear document, go to line, input special characters, etc. You can also select one of the many speech recognition services provided. Download:
DBGp debug-client (XDebug)
This plugin allows you to use gedit-3 as a debugging-client using the DBGp protocol (e.g.: XDebug). Download:
Emacsy Indent
Indentation like in Emacs'. Works reasonably well with Python and C/C++ code, quite feature complete.git:
Gedit plugin for quick non-intrusive project navigationProject page:
Fullscreen Margins
Adds margins around text in fullscreen mode. This makes text centered in a column with a width of around 80 characters.Download:
Switch between tabs using Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab in the order they appear on the screen. This is a form of the original GEdit3TabSwitch plugin from updated to compatibility with Gedit 3.8 Download:
Gedit File Search
Search for a string in all files in a directory and its subdirectories.Project Page:
Syntax highlighting, snippets, external tool, color scheme and embedded HTML preview (can also be used as a Web browser) for Markdown.Download: Apps/Gedit/MarkdownSupport
Grep interface plugin for Gedit. Performs quick grep on current file, or in associated folders.Project page:
Allows the user to edit a document in multiple places simultaneously, to aid repetitive programming tasks.Project page:
Indentation Settings
The plugin allows to set custom indentation settings for selected file types, while leaving all other types with default settings. Download:
Intelligent Text Completion
Makes life easier without interfearing too much. Auto-close brackets and quotes; Auto-complete XML tags; Detects lists and automatically creates new list items; Auto-indent after function or list; Django support in the making. Download:
Keyboard Scrolling
A gedit plugin, which provides keyboard scrolling for long documents using Ctrl+Up/Down keys for scrolling up and down respectively without moving the cursor from its current position. Project page:
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Simple text generator for testing font and layout. Download:
Macro Record and Play
Record and execute macros. Adds menu items and buttons and the shortcut Ctrl+m. Allows only one macro at a time.Download:
Menu Project Manager
A project manager to bundle groups of files into projects. Ported from the plugin that existed for version 2 by Alin Avasilcutei. It uses a menu to manage the projects instead of a left pane browser as the other plugin does.git:
Reopen recently-closed files ('undo close tab').Download:
Newline Madness
Change newline type / line endings for the current document.Download:
Open URI Context Menu
Adds context menu item to open/browse an URI at the pointer position.Download:
PHP IDE features
Adds features to gedit that are crucial for professional PHP development. Uses a project-wide self-build index.Project page:
Project manager
Lists projects in the side panel, restore last opened files for project, find directories that seams to be projects and more.Project page: The project is part of Gedit BC Developer Plugins.
Python debugger
Minimal Python debugger for gedit.Project page: The project is part of Gedit BC Developer Plugins.
Python Profiler
Profiling Python programs or gedit plugins. The statistics is displayed in the bottom panel.Project page: The project is part of Gedit BC Developer Plugins.
Python Tracebacks
Shows tracebacks of Python exceptions in the bottom panel and allows navigation to the exact line in the Python source code.Project page: The project is part of Gedit BC Developer Plugins.
Quick Switch
Swith between tabs with Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut.Download:
reST reStructuredText Preview
Provides a preview panel at the bottom of the editor windows for reStructuredText (Python). The language spec file for syntax highlighting is also available.
Restore Tabs
Restore documents that were left open between sessions.Download:
Smart Highlighting
Highlight occurrences of current selected text. More:
Snap Open
Quick open files from related folders. Forked and improved from the original, which is abandoned.Project page:
Toggle Text Wrapping
Quickly toggle text wrapping from the View menu or Toolbar. This is a fork of Text Wrap by Christian Hartmann and Francisco Franchetti.Download:
Trailing Spaces
Highlights trailing spaces and automatically removes any trailing spaces in the line you're on when you hit Enter.git:
Strip trailing whitespace on save.
Download: for gedit 3.8 and above:
VHDL Assistant
VHDL coding assistant for gedit (live code hierarchy view, syntax checks, testbench generator). git:
Automatic time tracking and programming metrics for gedit.
Whitespace Remover
Removes whitespace at the end of each line and unnecessary newlines at the end of the document upon saving. It basically is a bloated rewrite of the gedit 2 plugin 'Save without trailing space' and acts a lot like the 'Trailsave' plugin above. Additionally to both we have GUI configuration options, cursor position preservation, i18n/l10n and unittests.Download: